First of all I'd like to say that I dance with one of the cutest and kindest boys last night, but I wouldn't have danced with him if he wasn't wearing the sweetest glasses in the world hahahaha. His name was Brian, what is up with Brians making me feel all 'hey, I'm attracted to you.' They also played I'm On A Boat by The Lonely Island ft. T-Pain, a lot of people knew the words. I also felt super cute in my composition tee, gold lame mini, black oxford booties, and gold chain.
Towards the end of the night, this glasses wearing Brian asked if I wanted to chill with him afterwards, I replied, "Nope."
Did I want to smoke weed with him afterwards? "Nope."
Did I want to make out with him? (Yes, but I'm involved so) "Nope."
He laughed and said that he wanted to at least try and ask.
I am a bad news bear.
Recommendation: Princess Superstar